Welcome Baby #3! A New Chapter for Our Growing Family (and a Sleep-Deprived Blogger)

Apollo Orion Spindler

Hey everyone!

Those of you who’ve been following along on my blog for a while now know that I was expecting – and guess what? Our little bundle of joy finally decided to join the party on his exact due date, June 6th, 2024!

Yep, this family of four officially became a family of five! (Cue the happy tears and sleep deprivation.)

This explains my recent absence from the blogosphere. Right now, it’s all hands on deck (or should I say, all bleary eyes?) as my husband and I juggle our newborn and our two amazing older kids.

But fear not, daily blog posts are coming back soon! Just gotta adjust to this new, chaotic (but oh-so-wonderful) chapter of life first.

Speaking of new chapters, I’m also getting ready to unleash a fresh batch of designs on Redbubble! Keep an eye out for those beauties coming soon. ✨

In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you! If you have any suggestions for designs, or even a personalized request you’d like me to tackle, leave a comment below! Your creativity inspires me.

Thank you all so much for your incredible support. It means the world to me! Here’s to new beginnings, messy moments, and (hopefully) getting a few more winks of sleep soon!

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2 responses to “Welcome Baby #3! A New Chapter for Our Growing Family (and a Sleep-Deprived Blogger)”

  1. Congratulations and welcome to Apollo! I hope he’s happy, healthy, and brings you joy!


    1. Thank you so much


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