• Welcome Baby #3! A New Chapter for Our Growing Family (and a Sleep-Deprived Blogger)

    Hey everyone! Those of you who’ve been following along on my blog for a while now know that I was expecting – and guess what? Our little bundle of joy finally decided to join the party on his exact due date, June 6th, 2024! Yep, this family of four officially became a family of five!…

    The Pregnancy Rollercoaster: When Dreams Meet Diapers (and Bills!)

    Hey mamas (and dads to be!), Let’s talk real. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, a magical time filled with anticipation and…well, let’s be honest, sometimes a whole lot of frustration. Especially when finances get thrown into the mix. That’s where I find myself right now.  My husband and I are about to welcome a little…

  • A Journey Through Heritage: My Top 3 Dream Destinations

    The allure of travel isn’t just about ticking destinations off a list. It’s about chasing dreams, uncovering history, and indulging in the unknown. For me, three countries simmer at the top of my travel bucket list, each holding a unique promise – Germany, France, and Scotland. These destinations aren’t just random picks; they’re intricately woven…

  • My Greatest Joy: Watching My Little Learners Shine

    Being a mom is an incredible journey, and for me, one of the greatest joys in life is watching my children blossom and grow. As the mother of two soon-to-be-three amazing little ones, I find myself constantly in awe of their accomplishments, big and small. Just recently, we celebrated the end of another school year…

    Unplugging for the Win: Why You (and Your Kids) Need a Tech Break

    We all know the feeling: glued to our phones, mindlessly scrolling, while the world around us fades away. It happens to the best of us, and let’s be honest, technology is amazing. But there comes a time when we all need to unplug, and that includes our kids. As a parent, you might be feeling…

    The Unshakeable Bond: Why Loyalty is the Cornerstone of True Friendship

    There’s a reason the phrase “true friend” exists. Friendships come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s one quality that separates the acquaintances from the ride-or-dies: loyalty. Loyalty is the bedrock of trust. It’s knowing that someone has your back, no matter what. It’s the comfort of never having to look over your shoulder, wondering…

  • Why Can’t We Be Kind? A Call for Positivity in a World Full of Hate

    The world can feel heavy sometimes, doesn’t it? You look around and see negativity dripping from social media posts, overflowing into everyday interactions. It’s like the old saying, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all” has vanished. You’re not alone in feeling this way. We’ve all been there, stuck behind…

  • The Great Disconnect: When Did Backyards Become Screens?

    Remember scraped knees, blooming friendships forged in dirt forts, and the thrill of a daring climb up the neighbor’s oak tree? Those were the hallmarks of a childhood lived offline, a time before the internet wove its invisible web around our lives. Back then, the call to adventure wasn’t a notification on a glowing rectangle,…

    Having It All: Redefining Happiness

    For ages, society has dangled a shimmering mirage: “having it all.” Mansions, fancy cars, and overflowing bank accounts – that’s what success looks like, right? Wrong. Having it all isn’t about chasing a materialistic dream. It’s about crafting a life that sparks joy, a life that makes you happy. The good news? Happiness is absolutely…

  • The Ripple Effect: Leaving a Legacy of Kindness

    We all want to leave a mark on the world, a legacy that lingers after we’re gone. But what does that truly mean? Forget grand gestures or monumental achievements. The most powerful legacies are often the simplest: the way we treat others and the impact we have on their lives. For me, the ideal legacy…

    New Design Drop Alert!

    Hey there, design lovers! Get ready for a major shop update because EIGHT incredible new designs are hitting my Redbubble shop by the end of today! This is your exclusive first look! In this batch, you’ll find a little something for everyone: Basically, if you’re looking for unique and eye-catching designs on awesome products, you…

  • From Warehouse Walk to Nightmare: How a Safety Lapse Changed My Life

    Warehouse work is tough. It’s physically demanding, and safety should always be a top priority. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case at my last warehouse job. This brand new facility was still figuring things out, and on April 18th, 2019, those growing pains came crashing down on me – literally. It was just another morning. I’d…

  • Motherhood and Resilience: Embracing My Journey

    Motherhood is a beautiful yet demanding journey. Like many mothers, I’ve had to make significant choices to raise my child. This path wasn’t always easy, but it’s shaped me into the person I am today. After welcoming my first child shortly after graduating high school, I faced the reality of single parenthood. Unfortunately, the child’s…

  • Leaders, Followers, and the Growth We Share

    Have you ever struggled with the idea of being a leader or a follower? Many people (myself included!) find themselves somewhere in between. The truth is, we all have the capacity for both, and it’s this very ability to adapt that helps us grow as individuals and build strong communities. Think about it: at home,…

    Fruity Favorites: A Delicious Journey!

    Picking just five favorite fruits is a tough call, especially for someone who loves to explore the produce aisle like me! But here’s a peek at my current top picks: 1. Bananas: The OG Fruit Friend Bananas have held the crown as my number one for as long as I can remember. They’re perfect for…

  • Shining a Spark: One Small Step to a Brighter You

    Life throws us curveballs. Sometimes, it feels like we’re stuck in a never-ending tunnel, the oppressive darkness swallowing any semblance of hope. Maybe you’re facing a job loss, a health scare, or a relationship breakdown. Whatever your struggle, the desire to just give up feels heavy. But here’s the thing: giving up extinguishes the possibility…

    Celebrating All the Love on Mother’s Day

    This Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate the many ways love takes shape in the lives of children. We honor the moms, of course – the tireless caregivers, the fierce protectors, the endless fountains of love and support. But Mother’s Day is also an opportunity to recognize the incredible single fathers who step up and fill both…

    Bittersweet Waves and the Strength to Ride Them: A Mom’s Story

    Yesterday was a doozy. 36 weeks pregnant, last growth scan, and a tidal wave of emotions hit. This beautiful baby is my third (and last!), a bittersweet symphony of joy and finality. By now, they say you have it all figured out, right? Well, life rarely follows the script. Here’s the harsh reality: my husband…

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