From Warehouse Walk to Nightmare: How a Safety Lapse Changed My Life

Photo by Oliver King on

Warehouse work is tough. It’s physically demanding, and safety should always be a top priority. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case at my last warehouse job. This brand new facility was still figuring things out, and on April 18th, 2019, those growing pains came crashing down on me – literally.

It was just another morning. I’d clocked in and was heading to the meeting area. Except, that day, the only way to get there was by navigating a precarious maze of pallets. Now, clambering over uneven surfaces laden with heavy boxes is a safety nightmare, but with everyone else doing it, I followed suit.

Disaster struck at a corner where two pallets met. As I stepped over, my right leg gave way. I heard two loud pops and found myself on the floor, positive I’d broken something. The pain was intense, but shock must have kicked in because I wasn’t screaming or crying. Instead, I calmly told my co-workers I couldn’t get up.

Here’s the most shocking part: managers and supervisors dismissed my pleas. They insisted I walk it off. Maybe it was my stoicism, but their lack of concern was astounding. This was my body, and I knew something was seriously wrong.

Over an hour passed before they finally called an ambulance. Honestly, I should have called myself, but the situation left me dazed. When the EMTs arrived, they took one look at my mangled ankle and lit into the supervisors for the delay. Turns out, the two loud pops were the sounds of a shattered ankle, a broken leg, and a dislocated joint. The doctors even worried about losing my foot!

Thankfully, surgery and physical therapy got me back on my feet, though not entirely. Two screws in my ankle and a metal plate with five more screws in my leg serve as a constant reminder. My range of motion is limited, and some activities I used to love are now off-limits. There’s still pain, good days and bad days, but I keep pushing forward.

This experience was a brutal wake-up call. It highlighted the importance of workplace safety and the dangers of ignoring even the slightest discomfort. It also taught me to be my own advocate, to listen to my body, and to never downplay my own pain. Let’s all learn from this: prioritize safety, trust your body, and never hesitate to seek help.

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever broken a bone?

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