
Hey there everyone, and welcome to Quirky Canvas: Life, Crafts & Chaos! My name is Shelby Spindler, and like many of you, I’m a wife, a mama (of two soon to be three!), and someone who’s fiercely passionate about embracing the beautiful, messy whirlwind that is life.

If you’re looking for perfectly curated pictures and a Pinterest-perfect life, well, buckle up because this blog is all about the real deal. Here, you’ll find the joys (and meltdowns) of motherhood, the delicious adventures in the kitchen (with the occasional burnt offering!), and of course, all things crafty!

Why “Quirky Canvas”? Because let’s face it, life with kids is anything but ordinary. It’s a canvas splashed with vibrant colors – laughter, love, maybe a little food fight grime – and I’m here to share the journey with all its quirky charm.

This blog is also about a dream. As my family grows, I yearn to be there for every milestone, every scraped knee, and every bedtime story. That’s why I’ve been dipping my toes into the world of online businesses, with shops on Redbubble and Etsy. It’s a work in progress, for sure, but hopefully, one that allows me the flexibility to be both a mom and pursue my creative passions.

So, if you’re a fellow mama (or dad!) navigating the glorious chaos, a crafty soul looking for inspiration, or someone who simply enjoys a good laugh at the everyday absurdities, then pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee (because let’s be honest, it’s probably cold by now!), and join me on this quirky canvas we call life!

I can’t wait to share my adventures, swap stories, and maybe even inspire you to embrace your own bit of creative chaos. Here’s to the laughter, the messes, the love, and everything in between!



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